Friday, 27 February 2015

Homework 27 Feb (Friday)

1. Complete your Show and Tell script on 'My Best Friend'. Do ask your
parents to help you out with the script. We will practise the Show and Tell script in class for the next 2 weeks.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Homework 26 February

1. Do Math Worksheet pg 47, 48 and 49.

2. Read letter on 'Learning Journey to the zoo'.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Homework 25 February

1. Do Math Talk on 'My Addition Story'

2. Learn your spelling words (Week 7)

Monday, 23 February 2015

Homework 24 February

1. Remember to do page 13 of your Stellar Handwriting Book. Remember to write down the day and the date. :)

To bring tomorrow

Dear 1C,

Remember to bring the Pat-a-cake worksheet to school tomorrow. Do practise reciting the poem so that you are ready to present it in class this week :).

CNY pictures 18 February

Dear boys and girls,

Last Wednesday was a short school day. Actually, I planned to take a class photo together with all of you but time did not permit :(. But I am glad that I managed to snap some photos of some of you participating and enjoying yourselves during the CNY bazaar. Here you go...

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Spelling Dates

Dear 1C,

Do remember to inform your parents on the changes of the spelling dates.

  • Spelling (week 7) will be tested on 26 February
  • Spelling (week 8) will be tested on 5 March
Thank you. ;)

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Homework 13 February

Dear children,

1. Remember to get your parents to sign the English(red) and Math (blue) files. Do not forget to bring them on Monday.

2. Get your parents to fill in the form on 'Library notification service via SMS or email alerts' and I will collect them on Monday.

Finally, do practise reciting the 'Pat-A-Cake' poem with actions at home. You may view the video shown below to help you recall the poem. :)

Thank you.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Homework 11 February

1. For those who have not completed the Math Worksheet on Number Bond, please complete it at home and submit tomorrow.

2. Learn your spelling words (week 6)

PAL (Chess) and 'Pat A Cake'

Dear children,

You are introduced to the final chess piece today and that is knight. Finally, you get to play chess with all the pieces in place with your opponent. Glad to see that some of you actually took some time to think of the best strategy to make your move. I am sure you look forward to next week chess lesson :)

Next, we did poem recitation in class. We recited the 'Pat-A-Cake' poem. Some of you were shy while some were eager. Nonetheless, I am so proud that you gathered your courage to recite the poem in your group in front of your classmates. Bravo! Enjoy the videos ( but the quality is not so good) and we will definitely practise the poem again. Of course, you are encouraged to practise at home too :).

Monday, 9 February 2015

Homework 10 February

1. Sign Spelling Book
2. Do Math Talk on Number Bond
3. Read the letter on CNY

Friday, 6 February 2015

Math update : Number Bonds

Dear 1C,

We enjoyed the number bond game (Story of 10) that we played in class. You were given a number card (0 to 10) and you were tasked to form a number bond of 10 . You need to find a partner which holds the number that you need to make 10. The rule of the game is that you cannot talk. It was so fun looking at how you did the different ways of hand signs to communicate with your friends ;). Some snapshots taken during the game are shown below.

Of course, another activity that we did to reinforce your number bond concepts  is  called
'Bendi Bond'. I called out a number and you used cubes to make the number bond of the chosen number. We learnt to say ' 1 and 9 make 10'. After which we wrote the number equation '1 + 9 = 10'.We had fun!
 I hope you continue to practise your number bond at home. Below are pictures taken during the Bendi Bond activity.Happy viewing!

Homework 6 February

1. Do page 1 and 2 of Grammar (1)

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Homework - 4 February 2015

1. Do free writing
2. Learn spelling (Week 5)

PAL ( Chess : lesson 2)

Dear children,

You have learnt 2 new chess pieces today, Queen and Bishop. You were so engrossed playing the games with your partner and applied what you have learnt from the trainer. I'm sure you had lots of fun for PAL today.:)

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Homework 2 February 2015

1. Sign Spelling book
2. Sign the Math Worksheets (2 sets of worksheets)
3. Do Stellar Handwriting pg 11.