Thursday, 28 May 2015


Dear boys and girls,

We had great fun on Wednesday, playing teamwork game on the field. We started off clueless on how to play the game without falling. After several practices, we did it. We learnt to work in a team. We learnt that we must look out for one another!

Last but not least, happy holidays to all of you. See you in
Term 3. Take care!!!

* Remember to do
1. June Holiday Reading Activities
2. Check MCOnline as I am going to assign some homework
3. Revise

Love, Mdm Faizah

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Report Books

Dear Parents,

Please take note that report books have been returned today except for the absentees.
Thank you.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Homework 26 May Tuesday

1) Spelling list for Term 3 is given out today. Please get your parents to sign on the list.

2) Math Homework: Do page 14 to 18 and submit tomorrow.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

To Do - 25 May Monday

1. Sign 'Ants in a hurry'

2. Sign Math Quiz on 'Length'

3. Those who have not brought the new red and blue files (Eng and Math files for Term 3/4), please bring it tomorrow.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Homework 21 May Thursday

1. Do Math worksheet pg 2,3,4,5

2. For those who have not done your Show and Tell, make sure
you bring your props tomorrow

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

To Do- 20 May Wednesday

1. For those who have not done your Show and Tell, make sure you bring the props tomorrow.

2. Do not forget to pass the Travel Declaration form to your parents and NIL return is required.

3.For those who are joining the violin lesson, please remember to pass the the letter given today to your parents.

4. For those who have not brought your Math 1B workbook, please bring it tomorrow.

Thank you.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Homework 14 May Thursday

1. Get your parents to sign the English worksheets in your purple file.

Homework 13 May Wednesday

1. Remember to show your parents the 'Parent Teacher Meeting' letter. :)

2. Remember to get your parents to sign your FTGP book page 55 (Surf Safe Rules)

3. Learn Spelling (Week 8)

Monday, 11 May 2015

Homework 12 May Tuesday

1. Do your Free Writing on 'Our Ice Cream Party!" and submit tomorrow.

2. Show your parents the 'Show and Tell' worksheet. I have explained to you the task for the show and tell. So, please think through the props that you are going to bring and remember to write the script as well. You may use the writing template worksheet that I have given you. Once you have done the scripting, remember to practise together with the props. Please approach me should you have any doubts or questions. The Show and Tell session will be conducted next Wednesday onwards. So , please prepare yourself. Thank you.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Homework 11 May Monday

Dear children,

Remember to do the following

1. Sign spelling book for those not done.

2. Do Math(Length) pg 155 to 158

3. Sign  Stellar Worksheets (Crocodile Tea & The Giant's Ice cream) in your English File. Sign on Cover Page as well.

4. Sign Math Quiz 3 in the Portfolio File (Purple file)

Please hand it in tomorrow. Thank you.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Homework 8 May, Friday

Do your first draft writing on 'The Greedy Boy'. Remember to write in your writing pad neatly in paragraph and please leave a line. Hand in on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Mdm Faizah

Ice cream Party!

Dear boys and girls,

We had ice cream party today in class as we had just finished reading our big book titled 'The Giant's Ice Cream'. We had a wonderful time scooping, sprinkling and decorating our bowls of ice cream. It was colourful and fun! But the best part was the cleaning up time. All of you worked together as a team to clean up the classroom after the party. WOW! Our classroom was spick and span. Thank you for being considerate, responsible and cooperative! I am proud of you!

Hard at work learning length!

Pictures taken while you were busy at work! :)

PAL : Indian Dance!

Dear children,

I enjoyed your Indian Dance very much! Awesome!

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Rehearse Your Poem

Dear 1C,

Do not forget to rehearse your poem as we will be starting our poem recitation tomorrow. :)
All the best!