Friday, 31 July 2015

PAL Lesson 4 (Foam printing)

Sorry for the late post...
Below are some pictures taken while you were engrossed doing foam printing. :)

Homework 31 July

1. Complete Math Talk worksheet

2. Sign English Topical Test 2.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Homework 30 July

1. English and Math files have been returned. Kindly get your parents to sign the worksheets.

2. We will be having the Math Quiz tomorrow.

Homework 29 July

1. Sign spelling book. Remember to bring it tomorrow

2. Learn your spelling words (week 5)

Monday, 27 July 2015


1. Complete the subtraction within 40 worksheet except pg 46.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Homework 23 July

Dear 1C,

Please remember to:

1. Show your parents' the little note stapled in your school diary.

2. Sign 'The King's Cake'

3. Sign 'English Topical Test 1'. (This paper is done without any guidance from teacher. Since this is their first time sitting for a paper like this, I told them to finish Section A to D. However if they have time, they have to complete the whole paper).

4. Revise subtraction with regrouping. Many of you are still not so confident yet.

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Change of Math Quiz dates

Dear parents,

Kindly take note of the change. All the p1s will be given the
note shown below to be stapled in their school diary. Thank you.


Dear 1C,

Sorry for the late update. Was very busy :l

 1.Do pg 12 to 14 of Math worksheet

Monday, 20 July 2015

PAL Lesson 3 (Fruit and Vegetable printing)

Dearest 1C,

We did fruit and vegetable printing today. Enjoy browsing the pictures below.

Homework 20 July

1. Do pg 12 of the Lazy Duck worksheet

2. Try to put on your ethnic costumes tomorrow.

3. Please bring old t-shirt or apron for PAL tomorrow.

4. As we are having racial harmony day cum hari raya concert tomorrow,
 there will be no light snack break for you. Please take note.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Common mistakes on Addition with regrouping

Dear 1C,

Below are some of the common errors you have made when doing addition with regrouping questions.We have gone through in class again and again and do check your work to avoid any careless mistakes.

Student remembered to regroup. However, he forgot to add correctly.

Student forgot to regroup and thus wrong answer.

Student forgot to regroup (not shown in the working) even though the answer is correct.

PAL Visual Arts - Lesson 2

Hi 1C,

Some pictures taken during your PAL lesson this week. :)