Monday, 31 August 2015

Homework 1 September

Dearest 1C,

Remember to

1. Sign the reading aloud and show and tell assessment( in purple file)

2. Do pg 90 to 93 of Math Division worksheet.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Homework 27 August

1.  Revise Multiplication

2. Complete your writing composition on "First Day of School". Hand in on Monday. We had discussed this in class.

Remember to
- leave two finger spacing for every paragraph
- Start your sentence with a capital letter and end with a full stop.
- Write in past tense
- Check your punctuation and spelling.

Below are your group writing we did in class today.

Picture 1 (Done by Red and White group)
* Punctuation error : Sally said , "Ok." (Need to be placed in speech)

Picture 2 (Done by Blue group)

Picture 3 (Done by Green group)

Picture 4 (Done by Yellow Group)

Monday, 24 August 2015

Homework 24 August

1. Complete pg 4,5, 7,8,9 10 of the Math Worksheet on Multiplication.

2. For those who have not presented your Show and Tell, please bring your prop tomorrow. Those who presented today (Razin, Kaiyisah, Eric, Aiken, Alvira, Rayna, Jin Rong, Jovana and Hongrui), you have made good progress as compared previously. Keep going!

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Homework 19 August

1. Complete the whole worksheet of Vocabulary(3).

2. Do pg 74,75 and 76 of Multiplication worksheet.

3. Math Quiz 5 and 6 are returned today. Please get it signed and submit on Monday.

Enjoy your long holidays! Don't forget to revise your work.We will continue the Show and Tell on Monday and Tuesday. Today we only managed to have 2 students presenting their Show and Tell as the Class Photo taking took a long time. But the 2 students, Adel and Ashton did well for their Show and Tell! They memorised their scripts well and put in tremendous effort to prepare their props! Bravo!

Monday, 17 August 2015

Applause 2015

Dearest 1C,

Last Friday, we had a great time. We started our day learning how to draw caricature. We were amazed looking at the way the artist drew caricatures of some students. He did it so easily. But when it was your turn to draw caricatures of your friends, you realised that it was a challenging task.

Right after that, you had recess and then set off to Republic Polytechnic to watch the Applause show. We were so excited when we saw some of our classmates, Grace, Shuon, Adel, Zhixin and Jamie performing on stage! What a wonderful experience!

Kaiyisah won. She drew a caricature of Syaura

The winners, potential caricaturist.

Homework 17 August

1. Sign spelling book

2. Bring recycled materials tomorrow such as ice-cream sticks, rubber band, used toothbrush, paper clip, plastic bottles,toilet rolls etc. ( Just bring one or two). These are to be used for PAL Visual Art tomorrow as they are required to work in group to create artworks using the recyclables.

3. Those who have not prepared the Show and Tell , please do so. We will be having the continuation of the Show and Tell this Wednesday and next Monday. We managed to get 6 students to do their show and tell today and more importantly, all of them did very well! So proud of you, Ying Xuan, Verane, Angel Joy, Grace, Samuel and Emma!Well Done!

4. Please learn your Week 7 Spelling as we are having it this Wednesday.

5. We have just started to learn Multiplication today. We have learnt that multiplication is a repeated addition. All of you had your hands on with the multilink cubes just now to show what you understand by 5 groups of 3, 3 groups of 6 6 groups of 2 and so on. Have fun practising this at home when you are free. You can draw on your whiteboard too. This helps to reinforce what you learnt on Multiplication today.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Class Photo Taking this Wednesday

Dearest 1C,

Please take note that we are having class photo taking this Wednesday. Please ensure that you are neatly dressed. Thank you.

Week 7 Spelling

Dear 1C,

Please take note that the spelling this week will be held on Wednesday as Thursday is PSLE Oral day.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Homework 13 August

1. Do Vocab (2) worksheet and submit on Monday

2.  Remember to bring a storybook, pencil case and pencil colours,  a jacket (optional) tomorrow.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Show and Tell Assessment

Dear Parents of 1C,

Kindly take note that the show and tell details have been given to the class today.
The title is 'My happy occasion'. We have discussed in class and they were reminded
to bring objects/pictures/photograph on the day of Show and Tell. Do assist your children
in the writing of the script.

The Show and Tell assesment will begin next Monday.Thank you.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Homework 12 August

1. Learn Week 6 Spelling

2. Remember to read the letter on Applause for this Friday.

3. For those who have not completed the Grumpy Elephant Worksheet pg 7-10, please complete it at home.

PAL Lesson 6 - Plasticine Printing!!!

Dearest 1C,

You went through the process of brainstorming and decision making during PAL lesson yesterday. Brainstorming helps you to think of more ideas and to be more creative.  We use dot voting to help you in the process of decision making. Yes, this is something new to you but it is definitely a useful skill for you. Many of you shared with the class the challenges you faced while doing this activity. I hope you had a rich and fun experience! Have fun viewing the pictures below. 

Well done , Razin! I love that 'carrot'! 

Wow! Aiken's crocodile print is amazing!

Theme: Fun with numbers!

Theme: Rainbows and more!

Theme: Bunnies!

Theme: Animals!

Theme: Butterflies!

National Day celebration with Legos!!!

Dear 1C,

All of you were super excited building Cavenagh bridge with your legos! I am amazed to see your creative structures:). Well done!

Zihni, first to complete.

Ziqi, second to complete the bridge.

Samuel, 3rd to complete

Homework 11 August

1. Do pg 7 to 10 of Math worksheet - Picture Graph

2. Learn your spelling week 6.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015


Dearest 1C,

The pictures below are the photos taken during our PAL Lesson. All of us had a great experience creating our unique montages.