Friday, 30 October 2015

Let's Shop!!!

Dear 1C,

You were so engrossed 'shopping' in class for the past 2 days!!As we are learning on money, each of you was given a chance to use the 'play' money
to buy one item that you liked yesterday!! Some of you got the chance to be the cashiers. And Wow!
Some of you can really provide good customer service! You said kind words

such as 'Thank you!', 'Please come again' , 'Have a good day!'...Impressive!!!!

Today, we learnt on subtracting money. Some of you became the cashier and gave accurate change to your customer!  Well Done!!!Remember, before you subtract money, make sure they are in the same units( cents with cents etc).

Above are some pictures taken yesterday..:)

Homework 30 October

1. Do Math Worksheet (Money) : pg 185 to 187

2. Dear Parents, I am having difficulty sending the Show and Tell
videos. Really sorry. But if you dont mind, you can pass me your thumbdrive
and I can save the videos there. One of the parents suggests this idea :)Thank you!

Thursday, 29 October 2015

SEL Talk

Dearest 1C,

We had a Social and Emotional Learning Talk by Mrs Raman, our school Remember to write a reflection about what you have learnt from the talk and submit tomorrow. She wants to hear from you!

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Homework 28 October

Dear 1C,

No homework today. I want you to focus on your English Revision. 

When doing your test tomorrow, remember to

- underline clues (which word in the sentence tells you the
 tense( present or past), one or many)

- use base form. after 'to'

- use base form after 'did' 

- Be sure when to use 'has' or 'have'

- Be sure when to use 'was' or 'were'

- be sure when to use 'this', 'that', 'these' or 'those.

- Be sure on your punctuation 

All the best for your test tomorrow. You can do it.

PAL Lesson(Sports and Games)

Yeah!!! We had so much fun playing the following games.
1. Connect the dots
2. Crabwalk chase!
3. Squirrel and nuts!

Below are some of the pictures taken. Enjoy!

Homework 27 Oct

1. Sign English Topical Test 3.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Homework 26 October

Dear children, 

1. Those who have not finished your Math Work in class, please complete it at home and submit tomorrow.

2. Continue your English revision to prepare you better for English Test this Thursday.

3. Our final spelling will be on this Friday instead of Thursday.

4. The Learning Journey to Jacob Ballas Garden is cancelled due to the haze situation. A letter will be issued to inform you.

To prepare you better for the English Test

  • Common mistakes made (based on the Topical Test 3 administered in class today)

Mistake 1
WRONG : "Did you went to the library just now?" Mary asked.
CORRECT: "Did you go to the library just now?" Mary asked.

-Remember.. only the first word tells the tense: 
e.g. did not see,  did not look'did not saw' and 'did not looked' are wrong.

Mistake 2
WRONG: Mother went out to bought a toy for Jane.
CORRECT: Mother went out to buy a toy for Jane.

* Some of you answered bought because you saw the word 'went'.Without checking for other clues, you chose 'bought' as the answer.

*Remember , after 'to' , must use base form verb.

Hope this helps!

Friday, 23 October 2015

Homework 23 October

1. Sign English worksheets

2. Complete Math worksheet on subtraction

3. Revise English( 29 October: English Test SA2). There will be
a practice English Test this Monday so do your revision.

** Dear parents, I am still figuring out how to send the show and tell
videos to you as it is still too big to send.via email. Give me time k :)

Have a great weekend! Take care .. psi on the rise again.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Homework 16 Oct

Dear 1C,

Finally our Show and Tell is over. I am proud of the progress that all of you have made! 
I will be seeing you next Friday, so remember to do the following.

1) Sign Math Quiz and submit next Friday.

2) Sign Math Files (Numbers within 100 and Addition within 100 are returned to be signed)

3) ENG HW: Do pg 3,5,6,7,9 of Whose Hooves.( Please underline the important words to remind you on the grammar rules)

Math HW: Do page 162-166 of Subtraction Worksheet

Take care!

***Parents of 1C, I will not be sending your child's show and tell video through whatsapp. This is because I took their video using a video camera. I will email you the video instead. Do text me your email address that I can send the video to. Thank you.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Homework 14 October

Dear 1C,

Today, some of you presented your Show and Tell! I enjoyed it very much. For those who have not presented, remember to bring your things for Show and Tell tomorrow. Our last day of Show and Tell will be on Friday.:)

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

PAL - Sports and Games Lesson 4

Dear 1C,

Some pictures that I managed to snap when you played the 'Castle Land' game.
Sure you had loads of fun!

Children's Day Pictures!

1C Heroes and Heroines!!!

Friday, 2 October 2015

Homework 2 Oct

1. Do Math Homework Pg 137, 138 and 139

2. Sign Spelling Book

3. Prepare your script for Show and Tell on My Best Birthday Present. Think of things to bring to show your audience.

4. No Spelling next week as next Thursday is Children's Day Celebration.