Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Thank you!

Dear Parents of Primary 1C,
The academic year for 2015 has come to its conclusion. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude for all your continuous support throughout the year. 

I am pleased with the progress that 1C has made academically. This progress is certainly not possible without you working hand in hand. I earnestly hope that my dear 1C darlings will continue demonstrating all the wonderful values. And always remember that Achievement is meaningless without character and values.
I believe that measures of success are unique to each child. Most importantly, continue to encourage and motivate them to achieve their learning goals. Grab this holiday as an opportunity to bridge any learning gap that your child is experiencing. Please read more books ok! Of course, don't forget to have a meaningful holiday with your loved ones.

Finally, thank you  parents of 1C. I wish you a happy holiday and see you in 2016! Take care.

Yours sincerely,
Mdm Faizah
Form Teacher of Primary 1C (2015)

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Tomorrow is last day of school

Dear Parents of 1C,

Kindly take note that tomorrow is the last day of school.

Report books will be issued tomorrow. Return the report books when the school reopens in 2016.

For the prize winners, remember to pass the invitation cards to your parents. Thank you.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Class Party + English with IPAD!

Dearest 1C,

Our class party attached below. Thank you to all parents for the snacks!!! The children love it!

After class party, we had English lessons with IPAD! We revised plural nouns and past tenses!

PAL Lesson (Last week)

Pictures of your PAL lesson last week!:)

Interclass Sports Day!

Dear 1C,

You had your interclass race today. You may not have won but you did well!!! I am so proud of you. Winning is not everything but making the effort to win is. All of you tried your best and certainly each and everyone of you is a WINNER!!! Bravos!